An example of what we’ll be discussing in this article
Another week, another article inspired by some project I've recently been involved in at work.
We saw in a recent article how to utilise NetworkX or AnyChart to draw basic network graphs. As our purpose back then was to focus on understanding how to create nodes and output a simple chart, we used some synthetic data and didn't really try to solve any concrete problem.
Our plan for today is to create a simple NLP prep-processing workflow that can be used to boost up the exploration of any text-based dataset that you might want to work with.
So what have I been working on lately you may wonder?
Long story short, let's just say that we have access to a significant amount of text data related to motor incidents. So far, nothing to write home about you might think. What's particularly interesting in this scenario is that each text snippet is indexed against a unique fraud score ranging from zero to one.
No matter what industry you are working in, there's a high chance that as a data practitioner you will be ask to jump in and perform some investigation. Each year, fraud costs all companies around the world a significant amount of money. Being able to proactively identify fraudsters and understand their patterns has been a highly sought-after skill everywhere I have worked in my career.
Don't get me wrong: we're not going to do anything that's even remotely revolutionary. You'll easily find across the web tons of articles similar to this one. I still believe that this approach allows for an overview of potential clusters of interest and how they are related to one another.
But before we start having fun with the spaCy library, what do we mean by "context"?
Alright, this is what the first paragraphs of the Wikipedia entry for "Fraud" look like:
corpus: str = '''
"Phony" redirects here. For the Vocaloid song, see Phony (song). In law, fraud is intentional deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain, or to deprive a victim of a legal right. Fraud can violate civil law (e.g., a fraud victim may sue the fraud perpetrator to avoid the fraud or recover monetary compensation) or criminal law (e.g., a fraud perpetrator may be prosecuted and imprisoned by governmental authorities), or it may cause no loss of money, property, or legal right but still be an element of another civil or criminal wrong. The purpose of fraud may be monetary gain or other benefits, for example by obtaining a passport, travel document, or driver's license, or mortgage fraud, where the perpetrator may attempt to qualify for a mortgage by way of false statements.
Well let's consider that "fraud" term for a moment. See how each iteration of "fraud" is preceded and followed by some other terms? It's those words that we want to retrieve.
A simple script should do that for us:
def getContext(term: str,n_tokens: int) -> None:
tokens: List[str] = [c.lower() for c in corpus.split(" ")]
for idx, token in enumerate(tokens):
if token == term.lower():
context: List[str] = [tokens[i] for i in range(idx - n_tokens, idx + n_tokens)]
output: str = f"Context for {term.upper()} (line {str(idx)}):\n\t{' | '.join(context)}"
Yes, our very primitive tokenizer simply assumes that all terms are separated by a white space. But the getContext()
function still did a pretty good job at returning the contextual terms that we were looking for.
As you can imagine we won't be working with that text data that I briefly mentioned a little while ago.
Instead, why don't head over to Project Gutenberg and see what we can find there?
I've always been a big fan of Arthur Conan Doyle's The Hound of the Baskervilles, and this short novel is a perfect match for what we're trying to do here.
Let's download a digital copy in txt format and save it to a variable:
with open("baskervilles.txt", "r") as text_file:
corpus: str =
We'll be using spaCy as our main NLP library. Please note that we could have picked NLTK instead of spaCy and obtained the same results. These are both fantastic projects with very slightly different purposes. As we might want to create a production-ready data pipeline, using spaCy simply allows for a bit more flexibility in that regard.
Remember that very naive tokenizer we wrote a couple of minutes ago? Unsurprisingly, we can now get a much better output with a lot less code:
import spacy
from typing import List, Dict
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
doc = nlp(corpus)
Besides, we're now able to choose what specific part-of-speech tag we want to retrieve. So let's rewrite our getContext()
function and see what verbs it returns:
def getContext(term: str,n_tokens: int) -> None:
for idx, token in enumerate(doc):
if token.text == term:
contextual_verbs: List[str] = [t.text for t in doc[idx-n_tokens : idx+n_tokens] if t.pos_ == "VERB"]
output: str = f"Context for {term.upper()} (line {str(idx)}):\n\t{' | '.join(contextual_verbs)}"
Of course, there may cases where the term entered (here, "Holmes") isn't preceded or followed by any verb. Let's get rid of these. Given the size of the corpus that shouldn't affect the output of this exercise though.
Now as we'll be doing some basic aggregation in a little while, we probably want to retrieve the lemma of each term instead of its full form. Consider the following three terms: have, had, having
. It makes a lot more sense to transform them into their lemma have
so that we can count the occurences of any lexeme in a more effective manner.
def getContext(term: str,n_tokens: int) -> None:
for idx, token in enumerate(doc):
if token.text == term:
contextual_verbs: List[str] = [t.lemma_ for t in doc[idx-n_tokens : idx+n_tokens] if t.pos_ == "VERB"]
if len(contextual_verbs) != 0:
output: str = f"Context for {term.upper()} (line {str(idx)}):\n\t{' | '.join(contextual_verbs)}"
Now that we have a better understanding of what we're trying to achieve, our next logical step is to speed up our game by:
characters: List[str] = [
data: Dict[str, List[str]] = {
"Characters": [],
"Verbs": []
def getContext(term: str,n_tokens: int) -> None:
for idx, token in enumerate(doc):
if token.text in characters:
contextual_verbs: List[str] = [t.lemma_ for t in doc[idx-n_tokens : idx+n_tokens] if t.pos_ == "VERB"]
if len(contextual_verbs) != 0:
for verb in contextual_verbs:
Remember earlier when we said we would perform some aggregation on the data we would process? Let's keep things simple by counting the number of associated terms for each character, and removing each of these terms that has less than 3 occurences:
def prepareData(data):
dframe: pd.DataFrame = (
.query("Volume >= 3")
.sort_values(["Characters","Volume"], ascending=False)
return dframe
df: pd.DataFrame = prepareData(data_struct)
We're pretty much done at this point, and all we have to do is reuse the simple plotting functions that we wrote a few months ago:
def getNetworkPlot(data,serie1,serie2,serie3,title):
G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(data, serie1, serie2, edge_attr=True)
edgelist = nx.to_edgelist(G)
colors = [i/len(G.nodes) for i in range(len(G.nodes))]
with_labels = True,
node_size = [v * 200 for v in dict(],
#width_size = [e[2][serie3] / 500 for e in edgelist],
font_size = 12,
node_color = colors,
cmap = "Pastel1"
As you would have probably guessed, Sherlock Holmes really is the central character of the story. Common to all characters are what we'd best describe as "communication" verbs: "say", "tell", "ask". This makes sense from a narrative perspective I guess, as the story progresses through Holmes and Watson interactives with the inhabitants of Dartmoor.
But what you'll also notice is that each character is associated to their own unique set of verbs. In this specific case we might want to interpret these as personality traits, and running the same function on a potentially fraud-ridden corpus should provide you with some interesting insights.